Hey friends,
Today's blog is for all of us aspiring bloggers who have visions of writing and posting daily, but the reality is that you work hard and have families and blah blah blah! Here's to no condemnation.
I'm really writing this for myself, but feel free to be encouraged. Don't blog for notoriety. Blog because you want a space to chat about ideas that are important to you. Do your best to be consistent. But if you're not, don't give up!
I'm not going anywhere, but I will no longer actively promote my postings. Mostly because I'm not consistently posting like I thought I would. Another reason is if you follow me, then I'd like it if you picked it up anywhere and read forwards or backward and whatever you read was right for that moment. This is a space for pondering, release, and rumination.
It's kinda like a word for the moment but not contained by time of space. It's just a random thought that's open for discussion or meant to encourage or inspire.
It's Sunday, and this post is not really very spiritual except for this, do the best you can. You are still loved no matter what. That's all.
Peace & blessings.